Teaching riddles and their variation in tamazight class Proposal for an educational project : a dictionary of riddles
Aselmed n temseɛraq d usmeskel yellan deg-sent deg tneɣrit n tmaziɣt Asumer n usenfar asensegman : asegzawal n temseɛraq
This article presents an educational project aimed at teaching and learning riddles in Tamazight classes. It is a type of discours in traditional literature, mainly oral, which varies from region to region. Using a variation dictionary helps preserve this literary and cultural heritage, while presenting the variation more cleary.
Amagrad-a d asumer n usenfar asensegman i uselmed d ulmad n temseɛraq deg tneɣrit n tmaziɣt. Tawsit-a n yinaw i yekkin ɣer tsekla tamensayt, timawit deg tuget, yella deg-s usmeskel seg temnaḍt ɣer tayeḍ. Asegzawal n usmeskel d ttawil n uḥraz n tgemmi-ya taseklant d tdelsant akked uskan n usmeskel akken iwata.